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Eagles shame Clearfield in 115-25 win



By Sun Advocate

Chris Anderson goes up for a put-back after an offensive rebound against a Clearfield defender.

Even with a large lead throughout Saturday night’s game at the BDAC, the Eagles ran.
And ran and ran and ran.
In a full-on assault of the Clearfield Job Corp, College of Eastern Utah spent the evening stripping Clearfield of the ball and scoring lots of points.
The final score was 115-25.
According to coach Bryan Zollinger and assistant coach Brady Trenkle, such pre-league games are set up to give the team an idea of what needs to be worked on.
With the first league games of the season this weekend, CEU definitely has the fast break down.
“We played really good on both ends,” Trenkle commented. “The team wants to exceed and they stick to the game plan.”
The 2003-2004 schedule includes 24 league games, which is up from 16 in the 2002-2003 season.
Trenkle said that after losing a couple league teams last year to division changes and program cancellations, the Scenic West Athletic Conference is back on track.
The Eagles will now play all six teams in the SWAC in four, regular season games.
As of this weekend, CEU begins a 10-game stretch of consecutive league games before breaking for the Christmas holidays.
“We go in now and every game counts,” Trenkle concluded.
CEU plays at Salt Lake Community College this Friday.

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