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Traveling health fair



By Sun Advocate

Nurse Dottie Flemett is pictured giving shots to Kenneth Blake Sr. of Price.

Health fairs come in lots of sizes and many locations but in Carbon county taking a health fair to the workers is not uncommon. Recently Carbon County Health Department sponsored health fairs at various locations out in the field and one such location was the Dugout Mine, located northeast of Wellington. Known as Workside Wellness, the premise for the health fair was to provide flu shots, pneumonia shots and vaccinations for tetanus and diphtheria. The flu shot is recommended every year, the pneumonia shot is a once in a lifetime vaccination and the booster shot for tetanus should be administered every 10 years.
Coordinating the Dugout Mine health fair was Dottie Flemett. She and her staff also offered cholesterol screening, blood pressure screening and check heart rate and oxygen saturation through a pulse oximeter.
Besides local mines the health fair was also taken to area power plants.
The Cardiovascular Health Program is a collaboration of the Utah Department of Health and the local health departments which promote heart-healthy messages, public awareness, and demand for healthy choices at school, at work and in the community. These advocates for environmental and policy changes support these healthy choices and provides data, education and other resources to health care providers, teachers and other partners involved in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and the promotion of health.

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