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Results from Usra Motocross Events



By Sun Advocate

A rider sweeps the cement in front of the starting gate prepping his start path. Riders are allowed to clear the cement in front of the gate, but cannot groom the course ahead of the cement under penalty of disqualification.

The USRA Motocross event was a huge hit in Price on April 2 and 3. It turned out to be the perfect weekend for the event, the weather was perfect and track conditions were great for the riders. Several Carbon County natives placed in the events.
In the Pee Wee thru six event, Chandler Adams from Price placed second on Saturday, and third on Sunday.
In the Pee Wee Heads Up races, Freston Smith from Helper was number one in both events on Saturday and Sunday.
Beth Child of Price placed second in the Pee Wee Heads Up event on Sunday.
In the Powder Puff events on Saturday and Sunday, Nikell Tamllos from Price was number one.
In the 85cc Beginner event on Saturday, Jessie Reid of Castle Dale placed first.
Nick Child from Price was number one in the 85cc 12-15 Junior races on Saturday and second on Sunday. He also placed second in the Supermini event on Saturday and third on Sunday.
Robbie Mitchell of Price was number one on Saturday and number two on Sunday in the ATV Pro event.
John Powell of Price was first place in the Big Bike Beginner event, followed by Cody Mastin of Helper in second.
Austin Henrie of Price placed second in the Pee Wee Thru 6 event on Sunday.
Mark Tamllos of Price was second in the 125 Junior race on Sunday.
The USRA Motocross is scheduled to be back to Price on July 9 and 10 for the Wild West Motocross Nationals.

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