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Buck deer permits soon available at Utah hunting license agencies

By Sun Advocate

The days of being able to buy a buck deer permit from a hunting license agent in Utah are back.
For those Utah deer hunters who have not obtained a permit for this fall’s hunts, for the first time since 1999, they can buy a permit from a hunting license agent.
Beginning at 7:30 a.m. on July 17, hunters may purchase buck deer permits for this fall’s general season hunts from at least 33 license agents in the state. Additional agents will be added as July 17 approaches.
Hunters can learn which agents are selling permits by visiting the Division of Wildlife Resources’ Internet site at wildlife.utah.gov/licenses or by contacting the nearest office.
In addition to the agents, hunters may also purchase permits on the division’s website and DWR offices beginning July 17.
Wildlife officials are waiting for the results of Utah’s second big game draw, but believe statewide general archery and northern and northeastern region rifle and muzzleloader permits should still be available for hunters to purchase beginning that day.
The 33 agents are the first to be connected to the DWR’s new agent-on-line system. The system allows agents to log onto the DWR’s secured Internet site and sell buck deer permits.
“We’re excited to provide this service to hunters,” stated wildlife licensing coordinator, Judi Tutorow. “If they’ll take advantage of the opportunity, the days of having to come to a DWR office and wait in long lines should be over.”
“Hunting license agents haven’t been allowed to sell buck deer permits since 2000 because we didn’t have an effective way to track the number of permits they were selling,” continued Tutorow.
“Permits were being oversold in most regions and too many hunters were being put in the field. This system takes care of that problem by providing us with up-to-the-minute permit information.”
For further information, contact a DWR office.

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