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County disburses Mike Ballard Golf charity proceeds to cherished employee


Frank Ori, director of Carbon County's recreation department, is seen here during Wednesday's county commission meeting after receiving proceeds from the June 9 Mike Ballard Golf Tournament and Fundraiser. Ori suffered a stroke last year.  Matt Ward

By Matt Ward

Carbon County celebrated one of its own Wednesday at the beginning of the regular county commission meeting.
Proceeds from the June 9 Mike Ballard Golf Tournament and Fundraiser were presented to Frank Ori, director of Carbon Rec, who has been recovering since suffering a stroke on Dec. 3.
Rose Barnes, the county’s human resources director, led the presentation, fighting back tears.
She said in nine years of helping put on the annual fundraiser she never imagined the charitable contributions would go toward someone so closely associated with the event’s production.
“Frank has put forth such effort over the last eight years. I can not tell you, never once did I think we would be paying it forward to one of our own committee members,” she said.
Barnes said this year’s event raised more than $37,000. A portion of the proceeds were set aside to cover expenses related to putting on the event.
“This year we had a phenomenal year. The amount of money we raised was $37,692.55…Frank, we are giving you a check today for $32,474.21,” Barnes said. “Wow, did you ever think that would happen?”
Linda Ballard, whose husband the golf tournament is named for, said she couldn’t think of a more deserving person to receive the funds.
“There is not a more deserving person ever,” she said. “Besides this tournament, what else has Frank done for the community? It’s countless. He deserves this with 10 zeros on the end of it.”
Ori, who arrived in a wheelchair, his wife by his side, was able to stand and say a few words.
“Holy cow. What a journey this has been,” he said. “You know thanks to you guys (commissioners), all three of you. I know the support you’ve given me throughout this journey. And my lovely wife, which I wouldn’t be here without her. And our sheriff, he was there almost every week to see me in the hospital.”
Ori said people wondered if he’d ever walk again or talk again.
“Boy, have I proved them wrong,” he said.
He admitted he still has a long road to recovery, but is hoping to return to his duties in the future.
He thanked everyone for their generosity and well wishes.
“I just can’t believe this community’s overwhelming support for me; the love I felt, it’s amazing,” he said.
The commission chambers erupted in rounds of applause after Ori spoke.
Commission Chair Jake Mellor said that after getting to know Ori over the last few years, he’s still in awe at the amount of energy he brought to his position and his work in the community.
“I couldn’t believe that one man alone could help so many charities bring in tens of thousands of dollars to help local people. How appropriate it is that this comes to him,” Mellor said. “Now the rest of the meeting is going to be pretty boring.”

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