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Offense expected to run past, through defenders all season long


The Carbon High Dinos football team has started practicing for the upcoming season, which starts Aug. 17 against Manti.

As Carbon’s offense lines up for 11 on 11 during their fall practices, one thing is for certain: the offense will not go around defenders—they will go through them.
The Dino offense this year will remain consistent with the offense of the past and feature a “pound the rock” wing-T power run game.
“With the run game, we are going to pound it in there and the teams we play are going to hate playing against us because we are just going to run over kids,” said Carbon senior fullback Collin Lewis.
The wing-T features a lot of close formations and deceptions on hand-offs with multiple tight ends on the field at once.
Huntsman said that his team will continue to do what they do on offense, grind the clock out and run their scheme on offense regardless of what the other team does on defense.
“Our idea is to do what we do despite what they do. No matter what we are still going to run our offense, if we gain three or four yards here and there, we are golden and we are moving the ball down the field. That will bring us a lot of success this year,” said Huntsman.
Like the old cliché’ goes, the offense begins and ends with the big guys’ up front. Carbon returns all five-offensive lineman from last year’s team led by Makade Bradley at center.
Bradley said that experience will help with the offensive rhythm and the style the Dinos will run this Fall.
“With the offense we run, the double wing, it is very important. We just don’t have one star running around, we all have to work as well-working machine and each person is a part of that machine,” said Bradley.
Huntsman is also a big believer in the success of the offense hinging on what the five guys who block up front do for the ground game and the quarterback.
“If our offensive line doesn’t go then our offense doesn’t go. We rely wholly on what they do up front, if they are opening up holes for us to run through then our running backs will have success but we will put that all back on the lineman for what they do up front,” said Coach Huntsman.  
The guys that will be touching the ball on offense will be led by first-year full-time quarterback Jaylen Dennis.
Dennis, got some time last year at quarterback but will taking the reins this year as the Dinos signal caller.
Lewis says that he feels confident with Dennis and expects him to play well in his new role.
“He has really stepped up and put effort in. I feel comfortable with as quarterback,” said Lewis.
That trust will matter on Friday nights as Dennis and the Dinos will use Lewis in every way possible on the field to help achieve their offensive goals.
“Collin is a huge asset for us at fullback. Anytime you have a 240-pound guy who can move like he does you are going to be successful,” said Huntsman.
Lewis will line up to block, catch and play wing back this fall according to Huntsman.
Last season Lewis was predominately a blocking back for all-state running back Nate Olsen who graduated this Spring.
On the wings, Lewis will be blocking for Riddick Migliori and Ryker Larsen who are expected to carry the ball and fill the role left by Olsen.
With those two leading the way, Huntsman said he also has up to five other guys that can rotate in and keep those guys fresh.
“The biggest thing with what we need to do is keep our running backs fresh and try to keep the defense on their toes,” said Huntsman.
With eight out of eleven starters returning, Huntsman said likes the progress of the offense coming together as a cohesive unit and hopes to see a major statistical output from multiple guys.
“This year we have four or five guys that can do the job and we will spread the ball around. We are hoping that our right wing is a 1,000-yard guy, our left wing is a 1,000-yard guy and our fullback is a 900-yard guy. If we can do that we will be very successful,” said Huntsman.
The Dinos will hope to get started off on the right foot on offense on Aug. 17 at home against Manti.
Last year Carbon lost to Manti by a touchdown and had 127 total yards with a 119 coming on the ground.

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