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Governor, Utah congressional delegation kick off 2nd annual Taste of Utah


SALT LAKE CITY—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and the Utah delegation hosted the 2nd Annual Taste of Utah honoring Utah businesses and Pioneer Day.
The event, which is sponsored by the Utah Food Industry Association, kicked off with a media event at the Utah Capital building on Wednesday.
Gov. Gary Herbert addressed the group, along with Dave Davis (Utah Food Industry Association) and Bob Obray (Associated Foods).
The event will culminate with the governor sending off an Associated Foods truck to be filled with products from Utah businesses as it leaves Utah’s Capitol and heads to our nation’s Capitol. Members of the legislature were invited to attend.
 Taste of Utah is an event sponsored by the Utah Food Industry Association and hosted by Sen. Lee and the Utah delegation in honor of Pioneer Day, and will take place on July 25 in Washington, D.C.
It serves to highlight Utah businesses and our state’s industrial spirit.
It will showcase various products from Utah’s business community and will allow Utahns and non-Utahns in our nation’s capital a chance to enjoy our state’s business-friendly culture.

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