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AARP to host senior driver safety course July 19


Carbon County Senior Center will host its next Driver Safety Class on Thursday, July 19, at the Center from 1-5 p.m.
The 4-hour class is designed for senior drivers and will present information to assist them in driving safely.
Participants will receive information about the aging process, including vision, hearing, medications, reaction time and agility, and the effects they have on driving. Updated information will also be presented about local roads and highways.
There will also be information about the safety features that are now available on the newer cars. There have been several new driving laws passed that will be included in the class. Upon completion, participants will be given a certificate of completion to give to their insurance agents and will be given a discount on their auto insurance which is good for three years. When both spouses complete the class both will receive the discount. There are no written or driving tests given. Cost of the class is $15 for AARP members and $20 for others, which includes manuals and handouts.
To register for the class contact the Center at 636-3202.

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