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County’s future in hands of voters



By Steve Christensen

The election is over—momentarily. But, an even more important election is coming up in November. We will elect two new county commissioners.
This is unprecedented territory. When was the last time we knew in June that we would have two new commissioners in January?
Have you been happy with the way this county has been managed over the past four years? From recent events and from the primary election, I’d say the answer to that question is a resounding, NO!
As citizens we no longer have the luxury of sitting back and watching politics play out in front of us. We need to be involved in the process. Not just when the commissioners propose a tax increase, but now. NOW!
It’s time to make our voices heard. I didn’t say anything prior to the primary election because I didn’t want to be accused of influencing the outcome. But, now I will speak. Let there be no mistake about it, this county has been mismanaged. And to be fair, it hasn’t just been in the past four years. We build things because someone gives us money, or lends us money. It sounds so easy, too good to be true. And it is — too good to be true, that is. We are carrying way too much debt. We are paying way too much interest. And, perhaps worst of all, we build things we can’t afford to take care of. That reality hit home this year, and it hit hard.
From an economic standpoint this county is in a very bad place. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t. Let’s stop denying reality. And if we’re not careful, it’s going to get worse.
The problem with elections is that the most likeable person wins, even if he or she isn’t the most qualified. We may decide during the term that we no longer believe in that person, or even like that person, but then it’s too late. There is no such thing in Utah as a recall election. The only way an elected official can be removed from office is to be convicted of a felony.
We have a chance to bring sense back to county government, something that has been lacking for a long time.
I think it’s important to remember, elected officials work for us. They are not overlords. They are here to represent our interests. They are certainly not here to give us a civics lesson. They are not here to spend our money (yes, taxes are our money) in frivolous ways.
People often run for office for the wrong reasons. The reason can’t be to supplement one’s income or to secure health insurance or because someone needs a new career. Those cannot be reasons. Those reasons will always result in a poor politician.
There is only one acceptable reason — because that person wants to serve the people of this community and believes, truly believes, he or she can, and will, make decisions that make this county better. Politicians need management skills, a realistic vision, but most of all a backbone (other metaphors might be more apropos) to do the right thing. Times change. Conditions change. Being an upstanding member of a church doesn’t equate to being a good politician. Having some fancy letters behind your name doesn’t make you a good financial planner.
As a department head at Carbon County for 25 years I saw the good times and the bad times. This area has been on an economic roller coaster for . . . well, forever. We glory in the good times, and tend to forget about the bad times. One thing is for sure, the roller coaster is going to come down. And it is—down. It’s time to re-evaluate our priorities. The writing is on the wall. The economic conditions of this area are changing and we can’t expect the roller coaster to ever be as high as it once was.
What we have come to believe to be our salvation can no longer save us. And worse, it never will again.
We cannot manage this county for the next four years. We need to consider the future, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years. We need to understand the decisions we make today will influence generations.
Before the current commissioners accuse me of not knowing what I’m talking about, let me just say, that’s probably true. It’s a difficult job. No one can deny that. A job that the current commissioners, and perhaps previous commissioners, haven’t been up to.
The political party decisions have been made. Now it’s time to decide what we really want in this county and how we’re going to get there. Those decisions cannot be left up to three people.
I encourage discourse through letters to the editor. It’s time to hear from everyone. What do you think?

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