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Letter to the Editor | Children

Why is it that if a american citizen breaks the law their children go to CPS. No out cry about this but if a illegal alien breaks the law and their children are put into protective care, big out cry.
We are blaming the wrong people. It is the parents that put their children at risk not the U.S. Government. What ever rules are on our  side of the border is known on the other side in no time at all. These illegal aliens that the children would not end up in detention with them, and they knew that would happen. They knew they would be separated.
When we had trouble in our country the colonist did not run away they fought. Why don’t these people stay home and fight for their country?
There was a bus load of illegal aliens from South America that came to our border asking for asylum. They drove all across Mexico and did not ask for asylum there. I bet the price of the bus ride wasn’t cheap either. A coyote bring illegal aliens across the border charges between $3,000 and $20,000. These aren’t the poor people they are represented to be.
How do I know these things ? I lived on the border for almost 30 years and saw it all.
—Pat Scherschel

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