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Trump has become a clear and present danger




We have a president who makes up reality as he goes along. One watchdog group says he lies 67 percent of the time. The Washington Post claims he made 2,140 misleading or false statements during his first year in office. But, it’s not just that he lies, the real tragedy is that he believes his own lies.
Donald Trump believes he is a great president, who has accomplished great things. He believes America is “great” again. He says the economy is doing better than anytime in history. I think he believes that. There’s a word for this. It’s called narcissism.
The numbers don’t match Trump’s rosy estimations. At the end of April my modest 401K was down nearly $2,000 of value from its high point this year. Yet, Trump stands up and claims things have never been better. For whom?
Charles Barkley, the former great basketball player, suggests Trump didn’t actually win the election. Rather, Hillary Clinton lost the election. Regardless whether Russia meddled in our election or not, the only reason Trump is president is that the Democrats dramatically miscalculated how much the American electorate hated Hillary Clinton.
I didn’t even vote for Hillary. I voted for Jill Stein as a protest to the two-party system and to the two ridiculous candidates those parties nominated, although in this state it didn’t really matter.
I don’t blame people for voting for Trump. But, I do blame people for continuing to support Trump after everything that has come out about him, not to mention the fact that he lies about everything.
Trump took three women to a presidential debate who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. He sat them in the front row so Hillary had no choice but to look at them.
Even Stormy Daniels called that playing “dirty.” There are currently 19 (maybe more) women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct (Stormy Daniels is not one of them). He is on tape admitting he engaged in sexual misconduct. He sounded proud of it even.
Republicans are scared, as they should be. Pundits are predicting a blue wave in November. Let’s hope so.
There has been a Republican revolt, as dozens of national politicians have voiced opposition to Trump. Republicans openly revolting against Trump include John McCain, Bob Corker, Tim Scott, Jeff Flake, and Raul Grijalva. More than 40 senators and representatives have announced they will not seek re-election.
In fairness, some are simply retiring, but many of them are leaving because they are fed up with Washington—fed up with Trump. Some are retiring because they are facing an election they know they cannot win.
Flake, a senator from Arizona, has even written a book critical of Trump and of his own party. In “The Conscience of a Conservative,” Flake accuses Republicans of being in “denial” if they believe what Trump is doing is normal.
And it’s not just at a national level. In February Brandon DeFrain, chairman of the Republican Party in Bay County, Michigan, announced he was resigning from his position, saying he could no longer remain silent about Trump, “I’m tired of attempting to defend a machine that does not defend the people I love.”
Steve Schmidt, a conservative pundit who served in the Bush White House and ran the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign (think Woody Harrelsen in the movie “Game Change”), has called out Trump over his policies and is predicting the collapse of the economy due to Trump’s poor decisions. (I need to think about my 401k.)
Even when Trump thinks about doing the right thing (the first school violence meeting held at the White House) he can’t (or won’t) follow through. After telling elected officials they were “scared” of the National Rifle Association (NRA) he has since met with NRA officials and has completely reversed his position.
It’s tragic that we elected a man with no morals, and worse, no brains. What is his terrible leadership doing to our youth?
For one, he and his supporters are telling them it’s okay to lie. Just stick with the lie. If you tell it enough times, people will believe it. We are raising a generation of people who do not value the truth.
That is sad in so many ways. If Democrats take over Congress, the first priority should be to remove Trump from office.
He is not making the country great. Conservative columnist George Will, who left the Republican Party over it’s radical lurch to the hard right, says Trump is not only not making the country great again, he is attempting to make it “into something it never was, and shouldn’t be.”
Let there be no mistake about it, Donald Trump is destroying this country. Everything he does is either self-serving or a vendetta. He can’t even speak without making the speech all about himself, where he lies about his accomplishments. When someone points out his lies, he just claims, “Fake news,” and goes right on lying.
Someone asked it I wanted Mike Pence to be president. No. But, I’d rather have Pence than Trump. Nothing could be as bad as Trump. Anyone would be better than Trump. Let’s clean this up, before it’s too late. Or, is it already too late?

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