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Seth Oveson’s bolt from Democratic Party hands local GOP surprise gift going into primaries; it’s also a rotten thing to do




    Political Party affiliation should not be based on what happens to be popular today.
    What Seth Oveson, Carbon County’s clerk/auditor, did was unconscionable and shows his lack of integrity.     
    He was appointed to his position by the Democratic party. That was his party affiliation. Based on that, the Democratic ideals were his ideals. Right?
    Now Mr. Oveson decides that what was good when he was appointed isn’t good enough when he is leaving. So, he changes parties.
    Just like that.
By changing his affiliation from Democrat to Republican the Republican Party now gets to choose his successor.
    Just like that.
    A stroke of the pen and the Republican Party gets to make the appointment, rather than the Democratic Party.
    Mr. Oveson doesn’t say he has evolved into a Republican. He only says he is doing it so the Republicans can appoint his successor.
    There are major differences between a Republican and a Democrat.
    On a national level we have never seen such a difference as there is right now. One should choose a party based on one’s beliefs. Beliefs that have been developed over the course of a lifetime. Ideals that are intrinsic, not subject to the whims of the political wind.         Each of us have a responsibility to look within ourself to decide what those ideals are. If those ideals aren’t set, then each of us have the option of being “unaffiliated.”
    That’s what we call independent voters. That option is always open to us.  
    What if Bob Pero had changed party affiliations when he left?
    That would have meant Seth Oveson would not have been appointed and would never have been clerk/auditor.
    Until a few years ago Carbon County was a proud Democratic stronghold. The only such place in an otherwise very conservative state.         That was good enough for Seth Oveson when he was appointed to his position.
    Now it isn’t.
    This is politics at its worst.
    This whole thing stinks.

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