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Sewer, water upgrades top Wellington priorities


Gary Rich took the oath of office last week as the newest member of the Wellington City Council. Lack of candidates in last November’s election resulted in an open seat. The council called for applications to fill the spot. Former Mayor Gary Rich was chosen from a field of three candidates. Rich was mayor Wellington in the 1980s.

Contributing writer

    During a brief Wellington City Council meeting last week the council took action on several issues.
    Ralph Keele appeared before the council to request his credit report be cleared of a judgment against him by Wellington City.
    He said that because of the judgment he was denied a loan for his business.
    After an explanation of the matter, Mayor Joan Powell said she will look into it immediately. Recorder Glenna Etzel apologized to Keele for the misunderstanding.
    Jesse Ralphs, with Sunshine Engineering, reported on a meeting that was held with city officials last week.     
    Wellington City is looking for ways to fund sewer and water system improvements. Ralphs is helping the city looking for funding. Potential funding sources include the Utah Division of Water Quality, The Community Impact Board (CIB), and Utah Department of Transportation.
    The Council approved the city’s CIB priority list for 2018. The CIB provides grants and low-interest loans to communities affect by mineral extraction. The top four issues on the list include sewer system improvements, water system improvements, a fire truck, and cemetery improvements.
    The priority list calls for grant applications for sewer and water improvements and for a fire truck in June, 2018. A proposal for the cemetery improvement project will be submitted in February, 2019.
    A business license was approved for Martin Diesel Service LLC. Martin Diesel will occupy an existing building at 1592 East Main Street.

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