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Eagles thrash Bruins in thrilling home win

   The Utah State Eastern Eagles defeated the fourth-ranked Salt Lake Community College Bruins 83-79 on Saturday at home.
    Saturday night’s win handed the Bruins only their second loss all season.
    Utah State Eastern Head Coach Vando Becheli said after the game that his team worked really hard and had confidence in themselves heading into the game.
    “We knew we could win against a great team like Salt Lake since last time we went to triple overtime with them and lost,” said Becheli.“We followed the game plan very well and held off their late charge with crucial free throws and did not give them second chances.”
    The Eagles remained in control for most of the second half including leading by as much as 15 points with three minutes left to play.
    Sophomore forward Rafael Monteiro led the Eagles in the first half with 10 points and 4 rebounds.
    In the beginning of the second half the Eagles remained up by double digits until three and half minutes had gone by.
    The Bruins went on a 11-3 run in the middle of the half to cut the lead to five.  Then eventually they got the USU Eastern lead down to only to 1 point with 8 minutes to play.
    Down the stretch in the second half the Eagles never gave the Bruins the lead and were almost perfect at the free throw line.
    Free throw shooting by sophomore guards Landon Swartz and Neema Namdar helped preserve the win for USU Eastern, especially in very critical situations in the game’s final two minutes.
    Namdar’s three made free throws in the final seven seconds of the game slammed the door shut on the Bruins’ comeback attempt.
    “Tonight he (Namdar) did a great job when they took away his three-point shot because he would dribble and pull up and score. Every time they fouled him, he would go to the line and score for us,” said Becheli.
    “Neema played very well for us and played very unselfish, took shots when we needed it. Those two free throws at the end were huge and that’s what won us the game,” said Swartz.
    Swartz’s play off the bench also was a key factor down the stretch for the Eagles. He scored seven points in the final 10 minutes of the game before fouling out in the final seconds.
    “I am so glad he is coming back from injury, he is coming closer to being the player for us that he was in the first semester. He brings energy, toughness and can score inside and outside. I am very happy to have him right now in this part of the season,” Becheli said.
    Swartz was the Eagles’ leading scorer against SLCC with 16 points, while also grabbing seven rebounds.
    “It feels good, it has been frustrating coming back from injury, but I am starting to feel myself again and hopefully I can keep playing like this rest of the season,” said Swartz.
    The Eagles have a week to prepare for national powerhouse College of Southern Idaho who comes to Price on Saturday. CSI previously defeated the Eagles Jan. 20 114-77 in Twin Falls.
    Tipoff for Saturday’s game is scheduled for 5 p.m. inside the BDAC.

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