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Change brings opportunity – at least I hope it does

By Kevin Ashby
Sun Advocate Publisher

    What a whirlwind of activity we have been spinning since my arriving some three months ago. Now it is Christmas and I wish everyone a very meaningful Christmas and the desires that you will enter into the new year with joy and contentment in knowing that we live in a very beautiful and satisfying part of a very blessed country.
    My return came with mixed feelings in taking over for a very dear friend, Jenni Fasselin, and then being able to adjust and tweak editorial content, advertising ideas, layout and design improvements and web content engagement.
    It has been fun and rewarding to walk the streets of Price and other communities in the two county area and get re-acquainted with old friends who are still in business, and new store owners who have quickly become friends.
    I have enjoyed meeting people where I am able to plead and prod and question and come away with information that will be the source of a great news story and even some interesting photos.
    It was rewarding to sit down with elected officials and offer our renewed interest in being a part of the process of planning for economic growth, recreational opportunities and overall community success.
    With us building on the success of previous publishers and staff, I can say that the audience that we reach has never been greater and more numerous. There are still thousands of you still interested in and reading our printed publications and we thank you for not only subscribing but being engaged with our products.
    And we have thousands of others who are engaged with what we write and publish online.
    I will always say – Content is King – and we will always have as our goal to be the leader in local news content. We will always try to ask more questions, think of different angles to report and try to always come up with interesting photographs.
    If we have excellent and highly trusted content and editorials, and reader input, then we will always have the audience needed by our advertisers to sell their wares and services to stay in business.
    Content is how we stay in business.
    I am happy to announce that addition of a new publication in our family of newspapers here. For Carbon County your Thursday edition of the paper will be replaced with a total coverage Castle Country Living publication. Watch for the most complete calendar of events in the Valley as well as breaking news and classifieds.
    For our Emery County residents, you will begin to receive your second edition of your weekly Emery County Progress. And we hope that you will enjoy this publication as well.
    And with all of these changes, comes another big change for Sandra and I. Because of job expectations we are headed back to California to finish out our pre-retirement employment. It is a sad day for us as we say goodbye to dear friends and family for the second time in our lives. And we are quickly remembering how tough it was the first time.
    And this move will take me away from newspapers – a profession that has fit my personality and needs perfectly. A profession that has given me opportunities to grow and work along side some of the greatest people around.
    This has been a profession where I have been able to meet and report on some of the most interesting people and job functions that there are in the world. This has been a profession where it was almost therapeutic to  be part of a world of struggling businesses, each depending on the other, and working through the slow times so that we could catch up and get our bills paid off before the next downturn would hit.
    And this has been a profession where I had the opportunity to have my family nearby where they could be taught how to work and to enjoy being around others.
    My dad started his newspaper career when he purchased the Emery County Progress in 1954 and I get to finish my newspaper career as publisher of the same newspaper some 64 years later. And I have loved every moment.
    Thank you  to all those who helped me professionally as well with raising my family. I truly believe in the saying that it takes a community to raise a child and my children are the product of you good people in Carbon and Emery counties. And they have actually turned out to be rather spectacular kids even if I do say so myself.
    Many years ago editors would put  – 30 – at the end of a story to designate that it was finished.
    With much thanks and appreciation I reluctantly say goodbye to very dear friends and neighbors and put – 30 –  at the end of this editorial.
– 30 –

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