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Set record straight on criticism

    I feel obligated to set the record straight. Commissioner Hopes made a point, that in one of my previous letters I had indicated Carbon County had fewer roads to maintain, and had more employees in the Road Department.  
    As is typical of our Commission, the letter was misquoted. I did say that we had fewer roads and I will stand corrected, I did not say the Road Department had more employees. I said that the total number employed by Carbon County had increased by 200+ employees, from 105 in 2007, to over 300 in 2017.
    I wish the Road Department could run Carbon County. These employees do an outstanding job! Even with Commission family members and frequently with very little support or help from the Commission.
So that I am not further maligned, I would state for the record, that the majority of County employees (at least the 105 from 10 years ago), the Sheriff’s Department, Animal Control, the people who work and maintain the landfill, emergency services, and the building department, are outstanding in spite of the County Commissioners.
    I am sorry that my criticism of the Commissioners was construed as a criticism of the hard working and dedicated people employed by Carbon County. I am sure that these employees could point out the deadwood that has been recently hired by this Commission.
    When the citizens of Carbon County select a new Commission, they should try to elect individuals who are qualified and who have a track record of running a successful business, who want to serve the County, not just make extra money. Also think about term limits and consider the five Commissioners over the three that we currently have.
    Carbon County has tremendous potential and we need elected people who see that potential. Those who strive to enhance the County, not plunge us into economic crisis through nepotism and favoritism. Let’s have a County Commission that plays on a level playing field. Let’s bid all work over $5000. We cannot continue to simply write blank checks to engineering, legal, and construction companies.
    `Let’s have a Commission that leads the way when cuts need to be made, and see them take a salary cut first, not a Commission that will lay off people 2 weeks before Christmas. Use some common sense! Start with cuts in pay, benefits, and then lay off the last ones hired first.
    And lastly, if you want to quote me, try to get it right.
    Merry Christmas.
Mel Coonrod

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