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Tax Increase support

Dear Editor,
    Response to Mel Coonrod letter Nov 14, 2017 No one in their right minds would be in favor of a tax increase given our current economy in Carbon County. I do know from family and friends in other towns that our taxes are lower than most.
    Personally, I think we have to get past placing blame on former or current commissioners and just address the problem. However for Mel Coonrod to attack our current employers is just wrong.
    I also live outside of city limits and can only praise our road crews how they take care of snow removal (but also filling pot holes). If you actually go to the Carbon County web site/ roads it is explicit what they do and also who has priority. School bus routes, main roads etc.
    The second day they get to the other roads. Our neighborhood also has neighbors who just pitch in with their 4 wheeldrive snow plows or even tractors given a bad snowstorm.
    Its what we do to help each other. Anyone who is observant know Carbon county road crews go above and beyond working at night and holidays to clear our roads.
    Just compare Carbon County roads to Price City streets and you might get a eye opener. FYI, I was a rural mail carrier for 23 years (retired 7 years) in Carbon County and witnessed what CC road crews actually did do.
Joyce Polster

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