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A slice of life that makes me say Ouch!


Nathaniel Woodward


Life just got real in a hurry. Ive been handling this “getting older” nonsense like a champ but what the heck is up with these curveballs life throws at you? I’m not talking about the regular “hey, these things happen” scenarios but rather the “everything is on fire, you’re on fire, the floor’s on fire because you took a wrong turn and wound up in Hades” kind of curveball.
So frankly, reader, I’m at a total loss about what to do and I’m seeking your wise input on how to handle this life-altering, punch in the stomach, Armageddon inducing tragedy I’m dealing with.
With absolutely no consultation on my part, my little girl Bridgette has had the audacity to grow up and start kindergarten. Excuse my French but what in the name of Odin’s greasy beard is going on here!? Who gave her permission to get so big? I certainly wasn’t asked and I know I never signed any paperwork, so what gives, universe? What atrocity did I commit in a past life that would warrant such a gut-check by mother nature? I must have assassinated some beloved monarch or ate a puppy or voted for Trump.
Who knows… Sorry to those I lost with that jab, It’s not my intention to insult any of my readers so if you took offense let me offer my most heartfelt apology, I would never eat a puppy.
But I digress. This little backstabber child of mine woke up the first morning of school and acting like nothing was wrong, she got dressed, brushed her teeth, put on her cutest shoes all the while pretending like this wasn’t some Caesar-esque betrayal. Et tu Bridge-ay? Whats more is she has the gall to sit through all of her classes and actually learn things! What am I, chopped liver? Sorry, teach, that,s daddy’s job!
Alright, I’ve had my little tantrum and I’m coming to terms with this harsh reality. My little girl isn’t so little anymore and growing every day. I’m taken back by the beautiful, smart and witty little lady she is becoming and am accepting that there is nothing I can do to stop it. So I’ll do what I can, while I can and instill in her whatever decency and work-ethic I can as long as she still looks up to me.
My best advice
The night before her first day of school I sat down with her on her bed and gave her the best advice I could muster under the circumstances and I would like to share some of it with you in the hopes that it may be somewhat beneficial.
But most of all I wanted to get it in writing so I would remember what I said. I told her that this was the first step in a long journey, that this first would lead to many other firsts for her. That soon would begin a adventure that, if she listened well and worked hard enough, would lead her to any destiny or dream she chose. Finally I told her that it may get hard at times but to remember that difficulty was an opportunity to distinguish yourself.
I sincerely hope she is enjoying herself and doesn’t know what a puddle of weeping-goo she has made her dad into, I swear I used to be tougher…

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