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Sutherlands of Price will soon have a new manager, Kyle Heffernan. Here, in his own words, is a bit about him:
I’ve lived more than half my life out west, but I grew up in a suburb of Detroit. After high school, I attended a few years at University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture while working at Builders Square (which was a lumberyard owned by Kmart at the time). I moved out to Salt Lake City to finish school with plans on going to University of Utah’s program.
The Sutherlands store on North Temple had not been built yet, but the plans were based on the Builders Square II format that I had just come from so I was fortunate enough to be hired my second day in Utah, even before I had found a place to live. Until I qualified as a Utah resident, I started attending Salt Lake Community College and ended up staying there and finishing with Associates degrees in Architectural Technology and General Education. Sutherlands was originally going to be a temporary job while I attended school, but the company became like family and has treated me very well throughout the years. The end of this month I will be celebrating 24 years with them.
I worked at a few Sutherlands locations in the Salt Lake area, including both Salt Lake stores, West Valley and West Jordan. In 2004, Wayne recruited myself and others to open a new store in Price, where I bought my first house and unlike any other place I’ve lived, got to know all my neighbors, and not just a friendly wave, but went camping with, played basket ball with, played cards with, and enjoyed BBQ with.
At the end of 2011, I was given the opportunity to become an assistant manager at the Casper, Wyoming store where I continued to learn take on new challenges. I feel very honored to have been asked to take over for Wayne, as he has been one of my largest influences. We both believe in taking care of the customers, employees and community, and have our eyes on the long term results, not just what is good for us today. If managing a great store wasn’t enough, I am also very excited about returning to Price, where I still have friends who I think of as family, a group of amazing employees, and where the community is strong and supportive of each other.

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