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Cold Stone Creamery / Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory



Did you know our ice cream is made fresh every day in every store? It’s true! Churned from the finest ingredients and mixed with your choice of candy, cakes, fruits or nuts on a frozen granite stone we proudly serve the best tasting, made-to-order ice cream you’ve ever had.

Contemporary Presentation

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory shops are a unique blend of the traditional and contemporary.
“The number one factor is the quality of the product. Without that customers aren’t going to stay around long,” says Joni Hackwell.
“We have unique in-store candy making demonstrations. Customers smell caramel bubbling in a traditional copper kettle on a electric stove. They can watch the cook spin a skewered apple in the hot caramel being made before their eyes. That’s what people remember most about the experience.”

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