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Carbon drops close one with Emery



By Kevin Ashby
Sun Advocate Publisher

Carbon traveled to Emery High School with high hopes last Friday in thinking they could upset the Spartans on their home field during their homecoming celebration. Although the score was close at 19-16, Carbon fell short of their goal to win.
The game was well executed by both teams before a full house at the Spartan stadium. And just before the final buzzer the Spartans kicked a final field goal that put them ahead by three for the win.
Carbon received the opening kickoff but was unable to gain a first down and punted the ball.  Emery managed to get deep into Carbon territory before their drive stalled and Brock Winter came on and kicked a field goal to give Emery a 3-0 lead.
        Both teams went three and out on their second drives and after the Spartan punt pinned Carbon at their 1-yard line, Emery started their third drive at the Dino 40-yard line and the Spartans ran seven plays before Colton Wilson caught a touchdown pass from Kyson Stilson that covered 18 yards. This put the score with Emery leading 9-0. 
Carbon scored as time ran down in the second quarter and added the two-point conversion and the score was 9-8 at the half.
        Neither team scored in the third quarter but Emery missed out on an opportunity to score after Carbon fumbled the ball after a 25 yard passing play on the 5 yard line.
Emery scored early in the fourth quarter on a 48-yard pass from Stilson to Wilson. Winter put up the extra point kick making the score 16-8. 
Carbon quickly marched down field and scored on a long pass and added the two-point conversion and the score was tied at 16 going into the final minutes of the game.
With around three minutes left on the game clock, Emery started a drive at their 35-yard line completing two of four passes for 40 yards, ran the ball once for 3 yards and improved their field position when Carbon received a 15-yard penalty. This field position then set up a successful field goal attempt from Winter to give the win to Emery.
Nate Olson rushed 18 times for 107 yards. Collin Lewis also had a good rushing game with 8 carries for 38 yards.
Several Carbon players were hit with passes during the game. Ashton Larson led with 4 receptions. Chance LeCheminant and Collin Lewis each had three and Johnny Scoggins and Nate Olsen pulled in two each.
Nate Olson led the defense with 9 tackles with Oscar Herrera coming up with 8, followed by Colin Lewis with 6.
Isaac Quintana, Nate Olsen, and Chance LeCheminant each earned a sack during the game.
“I was please with offense and defense this week,” said coach Josh Huntsman. “We held them to 9 points in the first quarter and half and we tied it up with a minute left. We really played a pretty good ballgame.”
Huntsman then explained that we had a couple of lapses on defense that set up Emery’s final field goal but over all it was a defensive game.
This week will be homecoming for the Dinos against Grantsville.
“We are planning on it being a black out game here as we are wearing our black uniforms and we want to see all of the fans in black as well,” said Huntsman.
The game will be on Friday, Oct. 29 at 7:00 p.m. in Price.
Grantsville not only has a new coach with a vastly improved record this year, it will also be a new game style for Carbon to defend against.
“We have seen film on them but we haven’t seen this style of offense from them as a team,” said Huntsman. Grantsville will run a split back pro set that sets them up to run the ball about 60 percent of the time.
“We match up well against them,” said Huntsman. “Our defensive line has been dominant for the past six weeks. We should be able to get into their back field and cause some disruption this week.”

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