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Tank Hollow Fire Update


Fire Update September 15

Information from August 28
The Tank Hollow fire is at 4,563 acres with 32% containment.
Despite a quiet morning yesterday, fire activity increased in the afternoon with a spot fire in a side drainage of Soberville Hollow that grew northeast into Baker Canyon. The wind driven crown fire forced crews working along Corral Canyon to relocate to safety. As another storm cell developed, the wind shifted and blew the fire back westward into the main fire area.
Today, crews will construct a hand line from the Sheep Creek road down to Water Hollow on the Southwest edge of the fire in an effort to keep fire from spreading northwest toward the transmission line. Fire crews will be scouting for additional areas to secure line north and east of the fire as it moves this direction. Management decisions are being based not only on protecting values at risk, but also on the fact that limited fire resources are available due to the fire situation across the west.
A red flag warning is in effect until midnight tonight for lightning and high wind gusts. Erratic wind shifts are possible all day today. Today’s weather and fire behavior forecast supports a high potential for fire to continue to burn northeast into Baker, Hicks, and Soberville drainages.
Sheep Creek and Indian Creek Ridge roads remain open to the public. However, the following areas are still closed: the Junction of Sheep Creek road (Forest Service Road #051) and Indian Creek road (Forest Service road #042) know as Unicorn Ridge campground and dispersed camping area, including entire segments of Forest Service road #032, Forest Service road #761, Tie Fork road (Forest Service road #725) and Upper Tie Fork Single Track trail (Forest Service trail #023) located in Township 10 South, Range 6 East, Section 19, northeast quarter all within the Salt Lake Based Meridian

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