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Truck rollover


A tow truck driver hooks up a runaway pickup truck while Price Fire Department crews catch oil and gas spilled when the vehicle rolled into the ditch alongside Westwood Boulevard Wednesday.

By Rick Sherman
Sun Advocate Reporter

No one was injured when a pickup truck rolled off a hill and into a drainage ditch that runs parallel with Westwood Boulevard Wednesday. That’s because no one was inside the vehicle.
Price Police said the driver, a 17 year old male Dairy Queen employee, had parked the pickup in the west side of the DQ parking lot just before noon and went inside to begin his shift. Shortly thereafter, the vehicle rolled backwards down a rock-covered embankment, across the side road, through a corner of a construction site and into the ditch.
The driver told police he thought the parking brake was faulty. He was cited for bad or no brakes and driving on a revoked license.
Price City Fire Chief Paul Bedont estimated about six quarts of oil and 15 gallons of gasoline were spilled in the ditch, but crews were able to capture 95-98 percent of it by using oil booms to stop the flow and oil-specific pads to absorb the fluids.

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