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Eastern Utah fire restrictions rescinded

Effective 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday August 23, 2017, fire restrictions under Fire Restriction Order-UTY002-17-001 will be lifted for the following areas.
• State lands and unincorporated private lands in Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Uintah, Duchesne, and Daggett counties;
• BLM lands located in eastern Utah in Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Uintah, Duchesne, and Daggett counties; and
• National Park Service including Canyonlands, and Arches National Parks; Dinosaur, Natural Bridges and Hovenweep National Monuments.
Monsoon rains and cooler temperatures in our region have helped reduce wildfire activity. Vegetation is responding well to the additional moisture and the “green-up” is further reducing the risk of wildland fire.
An above average number of human-caused fires during May and June prompted agencies to impose restrictions on activities that cause wildfires. Fire managers are very pleased with the positive response of the public and cooperation in adhering to this year’s fire restrictions. As a result there were fewer human-caused fire in July and August.
We are still in fire season and vegetation may once again dry out as fall approaches, so it is still important to take precautions and practice fire safety. Hot exhaust pipes and sparks from vehicles and campfires are some of the most easily preventable causes of wild fire. Please carry a shovel, water, a bucket or a fire extinguisher when working or camping on public lands. Always drown and stir fires to ensure they are completely out before leaving camp. Keep vehicles in good working order, stay on designated roads and trails to avoid igniting dry vegetation with hot exhaust, and keep all chains and straps secured so they don’t drag on the ground and cause sparks.
Other areas in the state of Utah may still be in fire restrictions for campfires, fireworks and using steel core/jacketed ammunition. Fire Prevention Order UT910-14-001 is permanently in effect for all BLM lands in the state of Utah and prohibits the use/discharge of any kind of fireworks, explosives, incendiary, chemical devices, pyrotechnics and exploding targets. For information on current fire restrictions in the state, please visit: www.utahfireinfo.gov.

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