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Carbon girls soccer trumps Union


Grace Broadbear played aggressively against Union PHOTOS BY STASHA PRESSETT

By Renee Banasky
Contributing Writer

Girl’s soccer faced off yesterday against Union in their first region game, chalking up their first win with a score of 3-2. “We played really well offensively. It was probably one of our best games for passing and getting the ball up to our forwards,” head coach Cynthia Lancaster said.
Grace Broadbear, a sophomore, scored a goal for the team. “She worked hard all game and executed really well. She did everything we asked her to do,” added Lancaster. Ryan Brady debuting in her first region high school soccer game, made effective passes throughout the game and scored a goal. Ellie Cowdell, outside wing, scored the other goal. “She is really good at crossing the ball across the field. She is excellent at outside shots,” Lancaster explained.
Goalkeeper, Kelsey Sorenson, made aggressive dives to divert Union shots. Lancaster added, “She naturally knows where to be. She is in the right place at the right time.”
With the new region alignment, the team has not played most of their new competitors. Lancaster feels optimistic because even though she has little knowledge about their opponents she knows the talent and hard work of Carbon’s players, “Our team is playing really well. If they keep playing as well as they are, we could be to the top of our region. They’re a fun to team coach and they’re playing really hard.”
Today the team plays at Providence Hall. To prepare Lancaster plans to focus on defense. “We’re just going to keep working on our defense and passing to be ready. We had a few mistakes in the game against Union that cost us some goals. We’ll continue working on that in practice.”

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