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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Upset about drilling practices at proposed Garley Wash site

By Mel Coonrod

[Regarding] the drilling effort at the Garley Wash site.
What is apparent is the people responsible for this project appear to have no interest in protecting the
environment! First, they build a road and then bring in a drilling rig within~ mile of what was an active eagle nest. Then they proceed to drill with no containment of downhole or produced water.
Even if you use clean water to drill with, once you send it down hole it can be contaminated with a huge variety of dangerous and or toxic substances, including heavy metals, selenium, even arsenic. Then to just dump it on the surface and let it run down the escarpment shows a total disregard to not only the environment but the people who live below the proposed dam site.
To add insult to injury, Price City’s engineer was observed on site and he either was not knowledgeable
enough to know what was occurring was illegal or just didn’t give a damn. (No pun intended). The more I witness about this whole proposed project the more I’m concerned for the life and property of those people that live and play below the proposed Garley Wash reservoir. In my opinion, if it were to be built it would not be a question of if it were to fail, but rather when!
Maybe the hazmat team could go up and pull samples of the contaminated soil where the downhole water was concentrated. Then charge the people that made the mess to clean it up!
The White River alternative is still the best solution.
Mel Coonrod

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