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Careful – wildfire season has begun

The Bureau of Land Management Canyon Country Fire District is asking for everyone’s cooperation in preventing wildfires this season. The heat of summer is here, which has led to drier conditions, especially at lower elevations and in our river recreation areas. Here are some general safety tips that can help prevent wildfire, keep families safe, protect resources, and not put fire fighters lives at unnecessary risk.
· Keep campfires small, and completely extinguish them before leaving camp. The best method is to douse the fire with water, stir the ashes and douse again, making sure that all ashes are cold to the touch.
· Charcoal should be soaked in water after use.
· Never throw cigarette butts from vehicle windows. Smokers should smoke only in areas cleared of all flammable debris.
· It is illegal to possess or use fireworks on BLM managed public lands, in national forests, and in national parks.
· Stay on established roads and trails and avoid driving over dry brush and grass that could be ignited by hot exhaust systems. Please ensure trailer chains don’t drag on the ground and create sparks.
· Firewood cutters should operate chainsaws only in the cool morning hours and keep a shovel and fire extinguisher nearby. Chainsaws must be equipped with spark arresters.
Public lands provide valuable, tangible goods, and materials we rely on and use every day to heat our homes, build our roads, and feed our families. They provide an amazing array of recreational opportunities and connect us to our shared American history and cultural heritage. Please practice good stewardship and take care of your public lands.
For further information, please contact the BLM Field Office (435) 259-2100 and ask for Leanard Garcia or Clark Maughan. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business hours. The FRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to leave a message or question with the above individual. Replies are provided during normal business hours.

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