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For this business, there’s no place like home


Brittany Brewer

Contributing Writer

One of the biggest, least-highlighted pastimes in the American culture is shopping for clothing. For many people, the way they dress defines who they are, and makes them stand out from the fashionably-impaired. Teenagers spend countless hours at malls, seeking out the next fad, all while spending countless dollars to “keep up with the Joneses.” And who can forget about the humiliating days before school started, when our parents dragged us out to go school clothes shopping?
For as popular as malls and clothing stores are, a recent trend has turned the retail industry on its edge and made way for a new way of shopping. Traditional “big box” retail stores are slowly being threatened by the emergence of online shopping, which has taken the nation by storm. Instead of having to travel miles away from home, fight the crowds in the stores, people now have access to all the clothing options they want on the internet. A point, click, and a credit card are all that separates consumers from making themselves look snazzy and trendy. This growing trend has closed the doors of many popular stores, and unfortunately a good number of mom-and-pop clothing shops. This brave new world of consumption has forced many to think out of the box and find new ways to attract customers, especially on the local level.
One such innovator, Brittany Brewer, has found a way to breathe new life into the local clothing scene. Owner of “3 Dream Boutique”, Brewer runs an online women’s clothing store out of her house, right here in Price. The store opened for business on January 1 of this year, and has already seen a great deal of success from local shoppers. While the online medium that 3 Dream Boutique is running on isn’t new, the path that Brewer taking is quite unique. Working from her house has afforded Brewer the chance to run a full-time business, as well as well as spend time with her family.
“[While] being a stay at home mom for the last 5 years, I started watching kids in my home. I started to grow out of that phase; I needed something to do, to keep me busy, besides watching kids all the time!…I love to shop online a lot, and spend money when I can. So I started doing some research, and figured out everything I needed to do [to start my own business.] My husband thought this was just another crazy idea of mine, (because I have a lot of those) But he laughed and said ok. So I told him I’m serious and I’m going to prove it.
I have worked my butt off, since October 2016, in preparations for this. Turns out, its been one of the best, craziest ideas I have had,” Brewer said.
Now that she has six months under her belt, and a good customer base to show for it, Brewer has expressed an interest in growing her business in the near future. “I fully plan, and hope, that this business will be a big success. That [way,] I can eventually have a big warehouse, or even a store, of my own one day,” she said.
For now, 3 Dream Boutique is a growing store that is a homegrown shop, ran by a homegrown resident.
“I’m very generous when it comes to coupons… surprise coupons or surprise deals! Be sure to follow on Facebook to keep up to date with those,” Brewer said.
As an added perk for being a local shopper, customers have the ability to try on items and also receive free shipping. 3 Dream Boutique gives Price residents an opportunity to shop locally, as well as buy some great clothes. Also, there will be a booth set up during International Days this year, on June 28 and 29.
To find out more about Brewer’s business, visit 3dreamboutique.com. From there you can view the entire lineup of women’s clothes and accessories, as well as sign up for emails about new arrivals and receive coupons. The company can also be found on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook under “3 Dream Boutique” or “3 Dream Boutique VIP Group.”

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