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An ode to science


Nathaniel Woodward


I love science, it makes life so livable,
It powers this amazing nation, it’s visible.
I love science, it’s so much fun to declare it,
I make sure I post it online so everyone can share it.
I love science, remember when we went to the moon?
Or even that time we taught sign language to a baboon?
I love science, well most of the time,
Too bad sometimes those scientists can’t get in line!
When they publish their work with relative ease,
I hate when it contradicts something I believe.
I love science, except when I don’t,
It refutes the ark and that old man on a boat.
I love science, but my news tells me “wait!
those educated nerds aren’t all that great.
They lie and deceive! The climate warming, oh never!
So we will convince you it’s only some nasty weather!”
Forget peer-review, I don’t have the time,
So instead I guess I’ll just bury my head in kind.
Science is great, I heard it on Fox,
They are always helping me think inside the box.
Celebrities should keep their mouths shut about their views,
Unless I agree with them, then put them on the news!
I love science, but that darn Yellowstone wolf,
I’ve been told they are bad and I sure love meatloaf.
They killed some cows and elk and some deer,
Forget the rivers and plants and the ecosystems so dear.
I sure love science and all the things it does for me,
But never mind those scientists who teach us biology.
Evolution is crazy, it contradicts my views,
I must not accept it whilst I sit in the pews.
Science is so great, that’s it I just said it,
But what about franken-plants, I simply don’t get it!
Monsanto and genetics, they have to go hand-in-hand,
Forget any evidence, I prefer my food bland.
Blight and decay, bugs and drought
Progress is wrong, I know it, no doubt.
Yet science is awesome, but reading is rough.
New studies and results, this is all just too tough.
I sure love science but these nerds are getting old
So I’ll like science just as long as I’m told.

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