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Outstanding Board Member of the Year award

By Sun Advocate

The outstanding Carbon County Chamber Boardmember of the Year for 2016 is Jana Hopes of Carbon Copy Center. Jana has served the Chamber with her business in many ways. She has improved the quality and look of our publicity materials and in many ways, raised the standard for us this year.
Designing and printing the monthly events calendar, making appearances at almost every Chamber Ribbon Cutting, as well as serving as the Director for Carbon County Chamber of Commerce’s Marketing Committee has kept the Jana very busy.
In addition to the service she has given to the Chamber, she assisted her husband, Casey, in his political campaign, works closely with the young women in her church congregation, currently undergoing the process of moving her business to a new location, and continues to shine as a full-time mother of four beautiful daughters.
She recognizes that her role on the Chamber Board provides a vital service for our community.
The Carbon County Chamber is grateful for her continued support and outstanding service to the Chamber!

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