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Things I still don’t understand after 24 years…

By Sierra Trujillo

I’m officially 24 years old as of Wednesday. Yes, yes, I’m feeling a lot of things right now. Along with the fact that I feel like I have to start getting my life together (by 25, people expect that of you, I hear), I am now older than most players drafted into the MLB along with those drafted into the NFL (who have to at least have attended college first). There are starting quarterbacks younger than me, and c’mon, Bryce Harper just signed a single-year contract for more than $13 million.
I’ve learned a lot in 24 years. I can score a baseball game pretty close to professionally (I’m pretty harsh, though); I can write a game recap in my sleep; and I’ve known since very early on that Sundays are for sports. But, at just a year shy of a quarter of a century old, there are still numerous things I don’t understand, especially in the sports world. Here are a few of them:
Why college athletes leave for the draft after their junior year
I’ve had this explained to me numerous times, and maybe it’s just because of the emphasis I put on having a college degree, but it makes no sense to me that football players leave for the draft after their junior year of college, when they have the opportunity to have a free degree in just one more school year; most of them are there on full scholarships. “Sierra, but most of them aren’t there to go to school.” Yeah, you’re right, they want to play ball. But, take into account that the average career in the NFL is 3.3 years. So you make a few million, if even, for three years, then you’re done. What do you do then? With a college degree, that you owe zero money for, you would have so many more options than without.
The difference between offsides, neutral zone infraction and encroachment
I understand this in principle… If you gave me a multiple choice question with the term and having to pick the right answer, I could probably score 100 percent (please don’t). But when a flag is thrown before the ball is snapped/ right after, you’ve lost me.
A-Rod still getting jobs in baseball
Maybe this is biased, maybe it’s just mean, but I really don’t like A-Rod. And I would have to assume that most of the baseball community agrees with me. Just compare Derek Jeter’s farewell tour (a whole season) to A-Rod’s (uhm, there wasn’t one). So how in the heck was he on my screen during the postseason? Who’s decision was that? I’m still confused two months later.
Coaches still choosing white cheer uniforms
White cheer uniforms, especially white on the midsection, look good on a select few people. I am not one of them. I don’t understand the fascination.
On that note, coaches still choosing white singlets
Why why why is this even a thing? It’s stretchy material, that becomes more see-through the more it is stretched… and it’s white… why?
A balk in baseball
I thought I got it. I thought I was a pro. And then Johnny Cueto was called for a balk on a move that he has done every single game since he became a major-leaguer in 2008. And now I will never be able to call one myself again. What is this world coming to?
Why hockey is only three periods long
When is halftime? When do I get to go get snacks? When do I get to have the joy of waiting in line for the women’s restroom without missing the game? Also, don’t get me started on my OCD about everything needing to be even…
What a catch is in football
Please, don’t think I’m the worst sports reporter of all time for saying this out loud (in print?). Hear me out… does anyone really know what a catch is? Half of the NFL’s officiating staff doesn’t, the commentators almost never do, and so many rules have been implemented to try to make it clearer, but that actually just make it nearly impossible to make a clear, rule-able catch in the NFL. Am I right or am I right?
Why players fight in hockey
What is it about hockey that makes players want to fight? Not that fights don’t ensue in other sports, but most of them are all talk and no action, if you know what I mean. But in hockey, the gloves come off, and there’s a throw down in the middle of the rink. Is hockey that much more physical and hardcore than every other sport?
Why it’s okay for players to fight in hockey
Okay, so let me entertain the fact for a second that hockey is much more physical than every other sport. Why is it okay for them to fight though? When Rougned Odor socked Jose Bautista in the face, he was suspended for seven games (reduced from eight) and that was just for landing one good punch. These guys look like they’re filming they’re tryout video for the UFC and Dana White, and they get sent to the penalty box for two minutes and that’s it. It’s like it never happened. Whhhyyy?
Why three is the perfect number of strikes
Doesn’t four seem like way too many strikes and two seem too little? I don’t know why, I can’t explain it, but three strikes is just right. There’s no explanation for the three strikes rule (which has now been implemented in laws and many punishment threats), other than that the MLB tried out four strikes in 1887, but quickly switched back to three the next season.
Well there it is, just a few of the many things I still don’t understand, despite the fact that I’m supposed to be an adult. Now, can someone teach me how tax returns work already?

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