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Rantings and Ravings

By Sun Advocate

Well, I am finally typing with both hands again. I broke down and replaced my computer before the old one completely bit the dust.
This one is supposedly faster than the other one. Even though the processor is faster there will continue to be one factor that slows everything down.
That is the constant updating that goes on for every program I have on my computer. We have installed several different anti-virus programs on our machines at home.
Because there are people who have a mission to outwit, out play, and destroy all of our computers; these programs have to update almost everyday. Even the ones that let you continue working, while they update significantly, slow things down while they are taking on the new information.
Then there is my word processing program that seems to send new versions every couple of weeks. It always wants to update as soon as I have a deadline for the paper that I have pushed to the limit.
I never seem to catch up with the updates for Adobe Reader software. It is a free program that allows us to read PDF files. Every time I try and open a file using it, I get the big pop-up box telling me about the updates.
Again I am usually trying to get something done and plan to do it later. I only think of doing it when the program tells me. Seems like it could re-remind me as I logged out instead of only when I log into the program and am right in the middle of something.
And who could forget the ongoing upgrading from Windows. They are always lurking, waiting for the most inopportune time to spring themselves on me; scaring me with the word “critical” so I will drop everything and do it.
Getting things uploaded is only half the battle. There is that inevitable restart. You know, after the update the screen gives another ominous message that the changes will only take affect if you restart the thing. Do you want to do it now?
Now I try and check the box to do it later if I am trying to get something done. I have found out though that it doesn’t solve the problem. It really is more like telling a four year old you will play Barbie’s in a while. They will bug you every couple of minutes until you do it. The computer is the same way. Every five minutes or so the same message will pop up over and bug the crap out of you until you give in and restart the stupid thing.
Well shoot, I need to restart this thing for the second time today. I have a “critical” update box bossing me around. Better do what it says before some unseen disaster happens and I suffer the consequences of ignoring the words of prophecy.

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