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Cycle group wants to get their motors running, hit highway to Helper



By Sun Advocate

The Brotherhood of Motorcyle Campers is looking to conduct their 2009 annual gathering in Helper.

An international motorcycle club has set its sights on holding their annual gathering in Helper in the summer of 2009 and negotiated with the city council May 15 for a spot in town.
“We are representing the Brotherhood of Motorcycle Campers and would like to investigate having the 2009 camp out here in Helper,” Alan Hughes and Michelle Goldsmith said.
The Helper residents told the council that they would expect from 75 to 135 members of their club to come to the event from all around the country. They were interested in using the city park and facilities at the pool to accommodate the crowd.
Hughes and Goldsmith quickly dispelled the vision of a sea of black leather riding into town.
“Our members are mostly retired people,” Hughes said.
The IBMC came to being in 1973 as the brainchild of Cliff Boswell, a columnist with Road Rider magazine, according to materials from www.ibmc.org. In an article titled IBMC History Boswell says “After consulting with several Road Rider staff members and others, the idea was put into motion… and the Brotherhood of Campers was born.”
Unlike many easily identifiable American motorcycle clubs, IBMC members don’t have to ride any particular bike. According to the club’s materials they ride Hondas, Kawasakis, Suzukis, Yamahas, BMWs, Harleys, Guzzis and Triumphs. So it is not a brand that unites them but their common love of riding and camping.
And ride and camp they do with about 20 different gatherings scheduled between June and October this year, members can traverse from California to Pennsylvania and set up camp. Helper is actually one of the first campouts scheduled for this summer but it will be held in the orchard owned by Hughes and Goldsmith.
Council members also seemed surprised and pleased to learn that this international organization has its headquarters in Helper.
“And thanks for having your headquarters here,” Councilman Dean Armstrong said smiling.
After some perusing of next year’s calendar, the council urged the group to make their plans for the week of June 24.
For more information on IBMC visit www.ibmc.org.

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