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Moms like high tech too



By Sun Advocate

A great gift idea for Mom enables her to easily take her child’s temperature with a temporal artery thermometer.

Dad may go ga-ga over the latest technological offerings – from big-screen TVs to mobile phones – but Mom is no shrinking violet when it comes to going high-tech. She, too, appreciates a new invention, especially if it will lighten her workload.
Mom keeps the household running efficiently. She can soothe bumps and bruises while balancing the checkbook and finishing up on her paperwork. “Dr. Mom” is also the first person to offer medical “treatment” when someone in the home is under the weather. So doesn’t Mom deserve special attention and gifts that will make her medical house calls – and all of her other daily tasks – even easier? Here are some great “techy” gift ideas that do just that.
•Cool take on reading temperatures. Some moms swear by the lips-on-the-forehead method of determining whether her child is feverish, but the best way to get accurate results is with a thermometer. There are a few different types on the market – from oral to rectal to thermometers that are placed inside the ear canal – but none is more convenient than a temporal artery thermometer. It is as accurate as a rectal thermometer but involves only a quick swipe across the forehead to register temperature.
•Personal digital assistant: Personal digital assistants (PDAs) aren’t just for corporate big wigs. Mom will find that these digital wonders can help organize and simplify her life. The portable device will often contain contact information, calendar functions, simple word processing software, calculators and more. The PDA can also sync to a home desktop computer so data can be transferred from one to the other. Mom can use the PDA to coordinate mailing labels for party invites while she’s riding home from work, or even store a shopping list with routinely bought items so she doesn’t have to spend time making similar lists every time she heads to the market. She can also keep track of kids’ after-school events or doctor’s appointments. PDAs of all varieties can be found at big-box retailers and electronics/computer stores.
•On-demand television. Most mothers are busy with little down-time. When she finally does get to sit down, after making school lunches for the next day and checking homework assignments, many of the television shows she enjoys may have already aired. A digital video recorder (DVR) can enable Mom to program what shows to record so she’ll never miss her favorite show. DVRs can be connected to the television for recording much like a VCR or DVD recorder. TiVo is the most recognized brand, but many companies manufacture DVRs. Some cable and satellite companies offer DVR services as part of their digital packages without the need for extra equipment, so inquire as to the best value for your money.
So make sure to treat Mom to a few high-tech gifts this Mother’s Day, ones that will bring a smile to her face and make the tasks of motherhood even easier.

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