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Letter to the Editor: Support Right to Repair Act

By Sun Advocate

The Tire Industry Association strongly urges congress to pass the Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right to Repair Act (HR 2694) in order to ensure that car owners and their trusted repair shops have the same access to safety alerts and repair information as the franchised new car dealer network.
Vehicles continue to become more and more sophisticated with virtually every system either monitored or controlled by computers. In fact, most new vehicles are equipped with tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) that are controlled by computers.
TPMS systems do not take the place of regular maintenance on tires, but are intended to protect motorists from the dangers of operating a vehicle with underinflated tires. Keeping these systems updated and in safe working condition requires ready access to complete and accurate information from the car companies.
The Right to Repair Act offers protection to car owners by making it illegal for vehicle manufacturers to withhold information necessary to diagnose, service or repair motor vehicles, including TPMS systems. Right to Repair ensures that car owners can have their vehicle serviced at the repair shop of their choice, whether it’s their neighborhood repair shop or a franchised new car dealer.
Citizens need to support the Right to Repair Act (HR 2694) so that all American motorists can continue to enjoy the affordability and convenience of having their vehicle serviced at the repair shop of their choice.

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