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Letter to the Editor: Safety Concerns at Carbon High

By Sun Advocate

With all of the incidents that have happened across the nation in schools, businesses, etc., we at Carbon High School want to be prepared. The administration and director of security of Carbon High are concerned and want to do all we can to protect our students and staff.
This year, we have come up with a more detailed plan when it comes to emergencies such as fire drills, intruders in the building, lockdowns etc. The teachers have been given a plan which has been discussed with their students. As a school, we have and will continue to practice for these emergencies. We do take this seriously, and we want the students to know we do want to keep them safe.
Some other procedures we are implementing in this safety plan We as MOWS: (We need the community and parents to support us in these measures.) Each staff member has been issued and wears a photo ID badge daily so emergency responders can identify staff members immediately, if and when an emergency occurs. All guest teachers will also wear an ID badge to identify their role in our building. We are also asking all visitors, when they come into our building, to check in at the main office. Even if you are visiting the attendance office, you must sign in at the main office. You will be issued an ID badge which you will return when you leave the building. By doing this, we have better control of who, when and where strangers are in the building.
We are also going to be issuing a student photo ID badge to all students and they must wear these when they are attending school and activities. We have so many students that come on our campus, and we are not sure are or why they are on our campus. By doing this, we can easily identify our students and know who should be in our school. Parents and guardians, we want you to encourage your students to wear their I.D. badges daily. Again, we are doing this to protect your student.
In regards to entrances to the building after 8:30 a.m., the only doors that will be unlocked will be the front main entrance doors. Everyone entering the building must enter and sign in at the office. We have provided an elevator to help those needing handicap access. Those entering the building are recorded on surveillance cameras. It is imperative that we know who is in our school.
As a community, we want you to support us in our efforts to keep students and staff safe. We hope we never have a crisis that has happened too many times across America over the years, but we at Carbon do want to make every effort to be prepared and prevent this from happening here.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact the administration at Carbon High School.

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