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Letter to the Editor: Radon dangerous to home dwellers

By Sun Advocate

On Sunday night Extreme Makeover: Home Edition featured the Miller family from Wyoming, the Radon problem in their home, and how to eliminate it. In the show they blew up the house with explosives.
Utah has many of the same Radon problems as Wyoming and people ask many questions. It can be confusing.
Radon is invisible, tasteless, and odorless. The only way to know if you have a problem is to test. At www.utahsafetycouncil.org there are tests for $10 to let you know if you need to fix the problem.
Radon causes non-smoking lung cancer and is responsible for 12 percent of all lung cancers. Though all cancers are unfortunate, some citizens feel like lung cancer is something someone deserve, since people who smoke understand choice and accountability. The thinking is that, after all, they chose to smoke
Radon causes lung cancer in people who have never smoked. If you are buying or selling a home, absolutely include a Radon test as part of the home inspection test. Radon Educated Realtors can be found at www.radon.utah.gov, along with a host of other information.

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