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Letter to the Editor: Work the opportunities

By Sun Advocate

The U.S. Economic Perpetual Motion Machine is in serious trouble.
Stock market jitters over sub-prime lending, declining housing, American car sales and the falling dollar seems to have the stock market hunting to find market value.
The mad rush to Dow 14000 was just a sucker rally and two-fool theory says you are either a fool for buying or a fool for selling, but stock market sharpies tell me even a dead cat will bounce once.
Tightening of credit results in a shrinking money supply and that means less dollars being spent and less demand driving the manufacturing market.
Gold hit a new high on July 24 of 684.48/oz. There is little doubt that the magic number of previous record $730/oz will soon be broken.
Gold and silver has always been used as an indicator and hedge against inflation.
Beware because America will see five dollar/gallon gasoline soon.
All of these factors become a spiral as cost, taxes and earning ramp up and begin to feed on each other.
America may be in a recession. Congressional testimony indicated most citizen’s earnings have not kept up with economic growth.
If your earnings and investments are not keeping up with inflation then your buying power declines.
Ask the candidates their solution to a declining American standard of living. The only workable strategy is finding a higher paying job that maximizes disposable income.
Best to make the move to greener pastures, maximize your earnings, and work opportunities.

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