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CEU Business Students Win at Nationals



By Sun Advocate

Randon Kerr, Daren Larsen and Kellan Stevens, College of Eastern Utah students, show off their winnings at the national DEX conference. While most CEU students spent the last week of classes preparing for finals, these three business students traveled to Orlando, Fla., to compete in Delta Epsilon Chi’s national tournament. DEX is the national marketing fraternity.
Kerr, CEU business club president, made it through both days of competition in travel and tourism and finished second place in the nation.
Larsen and Stevens qualified to complete at nationals by placing first in business law at the recent state competition. After the preliminaries on April 23 in Florida, Larsen and Stevens qualified for business law finals on the second day where they made it to the top 10 in the nation.
David Cassidy, faculty advisor of the DEX club said, “These guys did great! They were competing with several thousand students from 2 and 4 year colleges from all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico in the DEX International Career Development Conference. In their individual events they may have competed against 100 or more individuals or teams. They deserve all the recognition we can give them.”
The awards were presented at a ceremony on Tuesday evening.

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