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Pca Board Approves Change in Policies, Hires New Principals



By Sun Advocate

Roberta Hardy and Glen Simkins greet students and parents when school opened last year. Next year Simkins will be gone and Hardy’s duties will change because the board decided to hire a secondary principal.

The Pinnacle Canyon Academy board approved some changes in policy last week that altered the structure of the administration at the school last week.
The changes in policy denoted that the school would add a new principal position to the staff, one for the secondary school.
These changes came on the heels of the resignation of Glen Simkins, who has been the principal at the elementary school this past year, the first year the school also moved into it’s new facility.
After changing the policy the board voted to approve the hiring of some candidates that were selected by the board last week to fill the open positions.
Next year the new position of secondary principal will be Kelly Alton, who presently works in Emery School District as an assistant principal at Emery High School.
To fill Simkins position the board tagged Christine Watkins as the new elementary principal for the 2007-08 year. Watkins is a long time teacher in the area.
The appointment of Alton will also free up Roberta Hardy, who has been the business administrator for the school for a number of years. The board mentioned that will give her more time to take care of some the duties she has responsibility for such as acquiring grants for the school and handling other programs.
The board also decided to hire a couple of new teachers for next year as well. Those hires include Jeff Brown to teach history and Deana Bell to take care of secondary mathematics for high school students.
Based on other discussions at the meeting it appears the school will not be accepting any new students from the outside for grades kindergarten through eighth grade. They reported that the school is already eight over for next years classes in the K-12 grades. Unless over eight students do not decide to come back next year, it appears there will be no openings.
However they also pointed out that the school is recruiting high school students for it’s upper grades because they do have openings in that part of the academy.

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