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Letter to the Editor: Sad to see tradition gone

By Sun Advocate

Many families have a tradition or two that they hand down to their children. For instance living here in Carbon County my family always buys a BLM or forest service tree permit just after Thanksgiving and we go out as a family to get our Christmas tree. Another tradition of ours was to go to the Helper park on the Saturday before Easter and be able to have the kids go on an Easter egg hunt. We did this every year, without fail.
Now I have to explain that I grew up, not only in Helper, but also right across the street from the park. Every year I would watch where the Helper Lions Club would hide the eggs when I was a child. Then I would run over to the park and join the other children waiting with anticipation for it to begin. Then I would run over to the park and join the other children waiting with anticipation for it to begin. My sister now lives in the same house that we grew up in. She too has had the tradition in her family of taking her children to the Easter egg hunt. Now we both have grandchildren that have chased for Easter eggs in that same park that we as kids chased for them.
This year my oldest son and his family came down for Easter. His four children wanted to go to the Easter egg hunt and we found out that it was not being held this year. What a shame!
The grandkids were certainly disappointed. I heard last year they probably weren’t going to be able to hold the Easter egg hunt again. In talking to the men who have coordinated and put it on for so many years. I found out that many of them took part of their own money to buy the eggs and dye. What a service they have so generously rendered us personally, and as a community.
I want to tell them how much we appreciate them for the many years of service that they provided for the community. Always waiting for the last child to get into line before the countdown to tell them to go. They didn’t want any “one” child who was arriving, not be able to participate. And never was any child left without any egg in his or her basket. Always supplying that highly desired “prize” egg, (which I never was able to lay claim to; but a couple of my children did).
To the many men of the Helper Lions Club, men that I have known personally, they have provided many years of joy to the children of Helper and Carbon County.

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