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‘Needing reading before succeeding’ Literacy Conference on Saturday at Mont Harmon

By Sun Advocate

Serving as a Region PTA Director has provided countless opportunities for exposure and opportunities to work with our local educators and observe their dedication, the many hours of work they are subjected to (many times without pay), but most of all�their passion for teaching and helping our children succeed. As local volunteers, our primary objective is to become an advocate for children by working together as parents, students, teachers, administrators and community members. We would like to assist our educators as we provide a motivating event structured to encourage those with the passion for literacy and educate our community regarding the important role literacy plays in our lives.
Can you think of a profession that doesn’t rely on literacy and comprehension for it’s success? Can you imagine if every parent could read to their child 15 minutes each evening what a difference we would have in our social skills, family relationships, work environments as well as an overall confidence in our homes, schools, place of worship and the workplace. A quote that has impressed our board is “Today’s readers are next year’s leaders”. We hope to instill a strong impression to focus the time we spend as a family and the time spent reading with our children will create positive results in their classroom, more self confidence as well as in school and home, expanding their imagination, while strengthening communication skills, their vocabulary and also creating more literate homes, schools, communities, life skills and productivity.
Keynote speaker Nancy Livingston has national exposure presenting often on Literacy. She’s a dynamic speaker and filled with many ideas for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, in-laws, foster parents, child care providers, neighbors, friends, students, teachers�anyone who wants a child to succeed! Workshops are provided by many of our enthused local and talented educators. Daycare for ages 2-10 will be structured and fun. Don’t worry�your child will not go hungry or have time to miss you! Classes are offered for ages 11-99. We have many local sponsors who have helped us keep our costs down and will be able to offer free admission, free book bags, free yummy snacks and lunch.
We are enthused in bringing to our area, the first regional literacy conference held this coming Saturday, April 14. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and event will end by noon (unlike what the ads say). We will see you there! Remember�.”Today’s readers are tomorrow’s leaders!”

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