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Carbon’s employment expansion rate outpaces counties in southeast region

By Sun Advocate

Carbon County posted solid employment expansion in third quarter 2006.
With the creation of 450 jobs for a 5.1 percent employment expansion rate, Carbon’s economy outpaced the counties in the southeastern region.
One catalyst for the expanding employment was the relatively large growth in Carbon’s mining industry, pointed out Michael Hanni, Utah Department of Workforce Services regional economist.
Carbon’s mining industry added 105 jobs in the one-year period between third quarter 2005 and 2006.
Arguably the economic center of the southeast region, Carbon County also reported job growth in the local service producing industries, continued Hanni.
Accommodation, food, health care, professional and business services all posted strong year-over employment increases in Carbon County.
In neighboring Emery County, third quarter 2006 saw mixed results.
While Emery posted 2.8 percent growth for 108 jobs, the bulk of the employment opportunities came from two particular industries – construction and call centers, noted the DWS economist.
The rest of Emery’s industries reported small employment increases and declines.
The situation suggests that Emery County’s economy is not experiencing broad-based growth at the current time, noted Hanni.
Compared with 2005, Grand County added 65 jobs for an employment growth rate of 1.3 percent in third quarter 2006.
The growth was due primarily to solid increases in construction employment, retail trade and accommodation and food services, noted the DWS regional economist.
Grand County’s employment gains were tempered by decreasing job opportunities in the local goods producing industries.
San Juan County posted a solid employment increase in third quarter 2006, adding 172 jobs for or a growth rate of 4.3 percent.
Service producing industries contributed the bulk of the positions created in San Juan’s labor market, explained Hanni. Health care, accommodation, food, professional and business services also added a significant number of jobs.
Goods producing industries reported slower growth, while employment gains in San Juan County’s construction industry were respectable, concluded the DWS regional economist.

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