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Letter to the Editor: Defends President

By Sun Advocate

My daughter and her husband, who serves in the National Guard, were in a store shopping a few days ago. My son-in-law was wearing his uniform. A person approached my son-in-law and thanked him for his service. He said that he really liked him for what he did and appreciated his service. He then told him that he hated President Bush and what he has done.
I wonder what drives this hate for our president. I remember reading Carl Sandburg’s book “Abraham Lincoln.” What I recall most of all, is the great hate, resentment, ridicule, and anger many felt towards Lincoln. These feelings did not only come from the South, but also from the Democrat Party and others in the North.
Sandburg in his writing made me feel just an inkling of what Lincoln must have felt. He was blamed for dividing the country, the slaughter of thousands, lying about the reasons for war and the waste of our best and bravest men in a war to free an undeserving race. Lincoln held his ground in spite of this anger and paid dearly for his beliefs.
No matter what mistakes contributed to the attacks of September 11, 2001 our president knows these attacks happened on his watch. He is the man who faced the families of those who lost loved ones in these attacks. He accepts he is the one charged with the responsibility of ensuring this does not happen again.
I have come to believe this president will do everything in his power to see that we are not caught off guard again. He has taken actions that push the limits of his power. I am glad he has. He has taken the fight to the enemy, and like any good surgeon cutting out a cancer, he is removing the suspicious tissue surrounding the disease. If there has been error, it has been on the side of caution. This is what I want.
The president of the United States is the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. He has a duty to defend our nation as he sees fit. He can not waste time positioning himself for possible failure or victory as our senators and congressmen do. He must have the courage to fight.
This president has shown this courage and has suffered for it both emotionally and politically.
As usual our military has performed in an outstanding manner. Our president has not let them down. He has stood steadfast and has not let others jerk the rug of support out from under them.
So I will answer that person who told my son-in-law he hated President Bush; a person my son-in-law professionally thanked and then moved on. I support the troops and the war they fight. I love President Bush and what he has accomplished. I will always be grateful that we have been blessed with a leader who has the courage to follow the example of President Lincoln. This is a man who will stand for what he believes so that we will not fail in our struggle to defeat evil.

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