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Carbon boys end season in first round loss



By Sun Advocate

Schyler Namanny looks to pass the ball during the game against Emery during Friday nights contest which Emery won 55-47.

It was a long trip home for the Carbon boys basketball team on Saturday night after going down hard to powerhouse Morgan in the first round of the play offs. The final score was Carbon 59, Morgan 77.
With three games to go in the regular season the Carbon squad was in control of their own destiny.
Then the season no one expected turned into the season of despair as the Dinos let the final three games get away.
Instead of sitting in the cat bird seat with home court advantage and a weaker team to play, the team had to travel up to Morgan to play one of the toughest teams to meet on their home court. Morgan dominated the Dinos at every turn.
The Trojans were not about to let the Dinos gain any momentum in the game. They jumped of the Dinos early and took a nine point lead before the first break. Morgan’s Josh Shaw was on fire with 23 points for the night.
Each subsequent quarter of play saw Carbon and their hopes of an upset, slipping further and further away.
By the third quarter buzzer, the Dinos were down by 35. Carbon didn’t give up even as Morgan was preparing for their trip to Ogden. The Dinos outscored the Trojans by seven in the final quarter of play to reduce the damage to under 20 points.
Chase Julian had a good effort, leading the way with 12 points and a three.
Though Carbon didn’t end the season with the outcome expected earlier in the season, the team put together an impressive record that many in the school and community have praised.

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