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Letter to the Editor: Fortitude to speak up

By Sun Advocate

With all due respect to Jerry B. Anderson and his views concerning the Bush administration’s alleged lying (Sun Advocate, Dec. 6, 2005) to lead our country to war with Iraq, let’s face the truth of the matter.
The Bush administration (George W., Cheney and Rumsfeld) deceived the Congress and the American people for one reason and one reason only; the black gold in the mid-east country. If it wasn’t for the vast oil reserves in that country, Iraq would be nothing more than a spot on the map and Saddam would still be the among the many other dictators around the world that we do not seem to be too concerned with, Republicans and Democrats alike.
Thank God for Rep. John Murtha who has the intestinal fortitude to speak up. As a result Bush and company are now acknowledging that faulty intelligence information led to the invasion of Iraq. Over 2,000 lost American lives, untold numbers of wounded service people and 30,000 Iraq deaths are a tragic price to pay for this incompetence.

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