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Letter to the Editor: Look in the Mirror

By Sun Advocate

It pains me to see that the turn out for voting in the county was at 39.66 percent for Helper and 30.4 percent for Price.
We talk about supporting our troops who are fighting and dying whether we agree with the war or not. I am disappointed to see that people are not exercising their rights that these men and women are fighting for. For those of us who are well enough to vote we should. For those of you who did not vote, do not complain about the leadership in your area as you were not part of the process of electing these individuals and therefore have no right to complain.
As an individual who served in our Armed Forces I just want to say that if the national average of voters turning out is as bad as it was in our area this country is in sad shape. The only people who honor our constitution and rights as Americans turned out to vote. The rest of you should truly be ashamed of yourselves.
I do understand that there are circumstances that arise that do not make it possible. For those of you who could have made it out and did not I hope you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror in the morning.
I appreciate my rights and would gladly accept a call to serve if my country needed me again. How many of you would say the same thing?
God Bless the USA and all of its people.

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