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Business conference comes to Price May 3

By Sun Advocate

It has been many years in coming, but it has finally made it to Price.
The fourth annual Utah Rural Business Conference will convene at the College of Eastern Utah on May 3 and will continue on May 4.
The conference host is Senator Bob Bennett along with the Utah Rural Development Council.
The keynote speaker at the conference will be Governor Jon Huntsman and Dr. Patrick Byrne, the president of Overstock.com.
The conference will begin at 6:30 p.m. on May 3 with a reception and business expo at the Leavitt Student Center.
The next day sessions will be held all day with breakout sessions allowing various subjects to be covered.
Some of those sessions will include workshops on quality employees, access to business capital, learning to grow a business in a cyclical business climate, local government economic development, marketing businesses, how to direct online traffic to businesses and energy development and the permitting process.
The conference was brought to Price by a number of people who after having attended it a couple of years ago began to lobby to bring it here.
In the past hundreds of people have showed up the for the conference, and many are expected to stay in Price for the event this year.
For more information go to www.ruralutah.com.

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