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Carbon High easily defeats North Sanpete, 15-1



By Sun Advocate

A Carbon High baseball player slides home despite the other teams attempt to tag him out.

Carbon High School’s last game versus North Sanpete on April 12, started out great for the Dinos, who had a demanding lead from the beginning. The Dinos won easily 15-1.
The North Sanpete Hawks started out slowly at Carbon, not scoring any points in the first inning. The Hawks have only won one game out of 10, making them fifth in the region.
Pitching for the Dinos was number 17, Adam Martinez. Warming up quickly at the beginning of the first inning, Martinez had eight strikeouts for Carbon and only allowed one hit in five innings pitched.
Aaron Sandoval started out the first inning for Carbon, receiving three balls and a free run from the North Sanpete pitcher. Sandoval scored the first run for Carbon High, signaling the start of what would be a great game for the Dinos. The rest of the Dinos’ batters following Sandoval hit great in the first inning, with bases loaded, the Dinos went on to score an impressive seven runs by the end of the first, making the score 7-0.
The second inning didn’t quite pan out for the Hawks either, who still hadn’t scored. Starting out slower in the second, the Dinos had two outs before the first run of the second inning, then quickly scoring another, making the score 9-0 at the end of the inning.
Carbon finished out the game the same that they had begun. Having a 14 point lead over North Sanpete, the game was called at the end of the fifth inning.
This is turning out to be a great year for Carbon, who is number one in region. The Dinos are 4-0 within region and 8-7 altogether.
The next game coming up for the Carbon High Dinos is scheduled for Friday, April 15, at Emery High. The Spartans are a tough team, and are number three in the region, 2-2, and 3-6 altogether. This should be a great game for the Dinos, who are notorious for their rivalry with all of the Emery teams. The Dinos won 10-0 the last time they went up against the Spartans on March 22.
At the end of the month, on April 28, Carbon is scheduled to play North Sanpete once again. Team members and fans are confident that Carbon will do as good then as they did before against the Hawks. The North Sanpete game will be the last game scheduled for both teams, after that state is scheduled to begin on May 7.
The state baseball tournament is coming up quickly, and if the Dinos play as well as they have been, they should make a rather good showing for Carbon High fans.

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