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Board approves concept plans for five subdivisions



By Sun Advocate

The first phase of the Ballpark Subdivision, named what it is because years ago there was a baseball field where the houses are going in, is just about complete. The developer has now gained concept approval for another 20 lots nearby for phase two.

Carbon County’s planning and zoning board reviewed plans for six different subdivisions, all in various stages of development, on April 5.
With the exception of one proposal that was tabled, all of the subdivisions were approved by the members of the county’s zoning board.
The first development on the agenda was the ballpark subdivision located in Carbonville near 2300 North and 1400 West.
The first phase of the subdivision already has one-half of a dozen homes and developer Jeff Spainhower was looking for concept approval the next phase of the project, with 20 lots.
Because of concerns raised by citizens in the past about the subdivision, Spainhower had a traffic survey done by an engineering company recently.
The survey was conducted On March 2 and the counts on the traffic were performed between the hours of 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. The counts were taken at 1500 West and Prazen Lane as well as at 1500 West and Mountain States Road.
The sites were selected because all the traffic that flows out of the area where the subdivision is proposed passes through the points, explained the developer.
According to Project Engineering Consultants of Salt Lake, the “proposed 20 unit development project is expected to have a negligible impacts oto the surrounding traffic corridors and intersections located within the study area.”
The executive study in the survey also stated that the “typical motorist will scarcely recognize the addition of the projects generated traffic.”
But even with the results of the recent study, the planning board members still had concerns about granting concept approval on the project.
“I think one of the problems people are concerned about is being locked into the area in case of an emergency,” said Carbon Commissioner Mike Milovich who serves on the planning board. The lawmaker was referring to the fact that there is only one improved way in and out of the area north of the tracks.
“I am wondering if there should be some type of caveat that should be put on the plats in the area concerning the situation. That may be the best way to protect the county from liability if something happens,” pointed out Milovich.
But Dustin Heugly, the attorney representing Spainhower at the meeting, said there actually is access from the back.
“Our position is that the road provides adequate emergency vehicle access, but that there is also access from behind through the gas well roads,” he said.
Planning and zoning director Dave Levanger, explained that the county has been looking at options for providing a road around that area. As the site grows, a different type of access may have to be developed in the area.
“It certainly needs to be looked at from a planning point of view,” said Levanger. “There are three or four options. There is a fair amount of vacant land in that area and it could easily be developed.”
Milovich voiced concerns about flooding that could come from the cliffs above the development. The county commissioner pointed out than an empergency situation could affect not only the new homes built in the subdivision, but the existing residences.
“We are working on using the old canal as a drainage ditch to the east to avoid that problem,” said Heugly.
Following the discussion, the board gave concept approval to the 20 extra lots, with provisions that access and flood concerns be addressed when the developer comes back for preliminary approval.
Acting on unrelated business matters at the meeting, the planning board:
•Granted preliminary approval to the Shelter Bay subdivision at 1100 North and 300 West.
Ellis Pierce presented the information on the development and discussed a drainage pond that the developer will build.
There was some discussion on the matter concerning fencing around the pond and also about how the road that comes out of the subdivision will join with the present county road. Pierce also pointed out that Mike Johnson from the counties mosquito abatement department had suggested some technology for controlling mosquitoes from the pond.
•The board granted final approval for the 11 lot Summit View Subdivision phase one located at 1000 South 750 West.
•They gave preliminary approval for for the Desert Hills Subdivision which would consist of six lots at 2750 West 2890 North. The approval came with a caveat that the road in the subdivision must meet county standards.
•Another subdivision, Liberty Estates, which consists of 20 lots was given a concept approval at the meeting as well. This subdivision will be developed by Angelo Kiahtipes near 2000 East and 1400 South. Some discussion on this subdivision concerned water pressure in the area. Kiahtipes said that he had a letter from the Price River Water Improvement District that stated the pressure is adequate. But he was also advised by some on the board to have an engineer study the situation to be sure the supplies and pressures are adequate.

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